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cherrypetals(sub female){MasterD}
I'm so very bored
There's not a single Dom in 3 years that I can say I want to connect with. Every single one of them turned out to want sex or an abusive relationship and to completely honest I just don't feel like I can trust a Dom anymore "sigh"
Anyway that's all.
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Should i change?
2 days ago. January 16, 2025 at 9:36 AM
Hello, i wanted to know if any other subs have gone through or experience this.
I have come to realize that almost the majority of Doms on this platform are only looking for Slaves and many are only Masters.
I want to know if there have been subs who don't fall in the category of Slaves, having to change their dynamic or thinking about changing because of so few Doms interested in a dynamic other then Master/Slave?
I feel that its complicated to find a true Dom that is interested in other dynamics and interested in trying to start off as friends before going into a dynamic.
Every Dom i talk to is either interested in sex or ghosts me the moment i try to set boundaries and try to vet them.
Its frustrating and sad to see and i wonder if its worth it to try and find a Dom or maybe i'm better off by myself.
dollMaker(dom male) - Well, you say masters, I would say most here are wannabe fantasists, who are no more genuine than the man in the moon. They are HNGs, horny net guys, and only after wank material, and as quickly as they can get it, so will push, lie, manipulate, make promises to get it, and if they can’t they go looking for the next easy nark - which you are not, by the sound of it. Please stick to your boundaries and limits, and don’t compromise your integrity.
Regarding changing, I tend to think the better word is evolve, but being a slave is not a question of just changing because slaves are not something one can be on a whim, or wanting to appeal to people, who may or may not (most likely not) be genuine. There is nothing wrong with being a bottom, sub, little etc, slaves are not some sort of elite, some sort of gold standard. Being a slave is a headspace, a way of being, like anything else in kink, and I think what you may have come across is more likely these so called masters think a slave, because they have an idea (Gaiman anyone) that slaves are no safeword, no limits I can do anything to you people - which is fantasy BS, as they do and should have that right.
Anyway, you be you, your genuine self, and anyone coming along should be a good fit to you, compatible energy, wants, needs, desires. Good luck, I wish you the very best, but hold out for what is right, and genuine.
2 days ago
Sweet Minx(sub female) - My thoughts:
- I agree most doms say they want a slave or start off with that and then attempt to "barter" down to accepting a submissive
- the doms that insist we must all be slaves if we're a real sub, have no clue and aren't even real doms, it's hard but ignore them
-dont change who you are and what you need, anyone not willing to take time and be friends and build a foundation is just trying to pressure and manipulate you
- majority of the self proclaimed "masters" on here are only the master of the remote control for the tv.
Im sorry this wasnt encouraging at all but it's the truth. When you find the right man the title of islave or a sub won't matter. You will just find your unique path together. Don't get caught up in labels. Instead of asking about what they want ask their expectations of a sub maybe. Every doms idea of slave vs submissive is also different. Good luck 💕
1 day ago
Sugarkitty(sub female) - Just stopping by and giving you a hug ❤️
You are definitely better off being by yourself than to pretzel yourself to fit someone else’s needs. Kick those disrespectful fools to the curb without hesitation. Your time and mind is valuable and should not be wasted on those do not add value to your life.
1 day ago
ErosRising(dom male){Hekate} - I agree with dollMaker and Sweet Minx.
I will say First and Foremost that you should not change who you feel you are. If that is submissive, then why change? As it was said, there are many people on here that call themselves “Masters”, but the truth is that most of them are fake and have no clue on what it takes to be a Dom/Master. The true ones will want to get to know you for you before even thinking about wanting a dynamic of any kind. If they are going right in to the “do this and that”, walk away and don’t look back.
Stay true to you, keep your boundaries, and when the right person comes along, they will treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve prior to anything else.
Just my 2 cents.
1 day ago
Surrendered To Her(dom male) - Definitely in agreement with the consensus that most doms and Masters on this platform in any platforms are just looking for sex or looking for a temporary fantasy. I've also noticed a lot of shenanigans from the other side people in committed relationships. Just wanting to have fun or just wanting to play with this lifestyle on the weekend. And I hold no judgment. Lived your life as you wish to live. However, it casts Shadow and doubt on the sincere at heart. Unfortunately, we have a culture of fake it until you make it dress. Like you're a maid success and completely disregard the humbling steps of meeting a potential partner getting let down going through the learning phases and trying to find someone sincere. It is incredibly difficult. And Masters that want slaves. After realize that we are all slaves to our culture and way of life. We can't take a week off or the bills don't get paid. And subs those doms have to be out there working and making that money for the outrageous cost of living. So you have to be realistic on what can be achieved in the relationship. That's why I see the majority seeking events to be around others that feel they've made it. They become a success while not making any true ground in their personal battle for self-empowerment. Remember you need to learn to take care of yourself before you take care of another.
1 day ago
amalthea(sub female){Mr Gregory} - It takes a lot of time to find what you are looking for and you have to be true to yourself. Be flexible, but never compromise who you are and what you value.
1 day ago
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Hugs!!! Don’t give up! The risk is worth the reward. Give yourself time. There are lots of wannabes and it’s frustrating…I know. Keep your head and beware the NRE(new relationship energy). Ask tons of questions, then ask more. (ask both submissives and dominants) Don’t compromise who you are for anyone else!
1 day ago
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